30th Anniversary Celebration
30th Anniversary as an Osteopath!
30th Anniversary Celebration! I graduated from the British School of Osteopathy in London in 1991. At that time, osteopathy was largely an unregulated profession. As a result, anyone could call themselves an osteopath. This was often with little or no formal training, for instance. However, The Osteopaths Act was passed in 1993. The title ‘Osteopath’ became protected. Only those who had done the recognised formal training could call themselves an osteopath.
In 1997 the General Osteopathic Council (GOsC) was established. The GOsC ‘would embrace all aspects of osteopathy’. It had a duty ‘to develop, promote and regulate the profession of osteopathy’. As a result, The GOsC achieved a great deal including:
- Established the Register and the associated entry criteria.
- Set a benchmark for osteopathic education and training
- It developed a Code of Practice and Standard of Proficiency
- It introduced Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and the monitoring of compliance.
- Successful prosecution of those unlawfully using the title ‘osteopath’.
As a result, all of these activities played a significant role for osteopathy. For instance, it is now a recognised, high-quality and safe healthcare profession. Because of this, I am proud to have been an osteopath for 30 years!
Do you need an Osteopathic ‘MOT’?
Osteopathic ‘MOT’ as we get older
Our bodies can be likened to a car that needs regular servicing and maintenance as we get older! We can sometimes feel aches and tensions in our body frame as we get older. A presumption is made that this is to be ‘expected’ and all part of getting older. Osteopathic treatment aims to release strains and stresses that have often accumulated over the years. Osteopaths treat the whole person not just conditions. A wide variety of problems that are affecting us can be helped. Do you feel your body needs an Osteopathic ‘MOT’?
Is it too late to do anything about it?
Advancing years can often be associated with the insidious onset of health problems. Osteoarthritis, heart and lung problems, circulation problems in the legs, effects of falls/accidents and general symptoms of declining health. However, suffering pain, stiffness and poor health are NOT an inevitable part of getting older!
Many of us will have suffered trauma at some point in our lives, such as from car accidents, sporting injuries or falls. Often people injure themselves at the time and then recover. Sometimes these strains can have a longer effect on the body tissues. These can have consequences years later. The body tissues can lose flexibility and elasticity. This makes the joints more vulnerable to arthritic changes.
Osteopathic treatment is effective at releasing the residual strains from past traumas. As a result it allows the body to function more efficiently. Gentle osteopathic treatment releases tension in the diaphragm and muscles of the chest. In doing so encouraging normal breathing movements. This helps the heart and lungs to work to their best potential. It can improve circulation around joints, improving mobility and slowing the rate of further deterioration in the joints.
An occasional ‘MOT’, every few months, would mean keeping everything working well so you can enjoy an active lifestyle. I can also give you advice on preventative exercises, as well as diet and lifestyle.
For more information in Wilmslow call:
07547 631679