Julia Kinsey Osteopathy


/26th February 2024

James P (Wilmslow)

I was hit with chronic sciatica early in 2023. I saw a physio (briefly), then another osteopath, before finally getting an appointment with Julia. She was by far the most helpful, because she really paid attention to the specific issues I was dealing with. I got the impression with the other osteopath I saw that they were going through a generic treatment routine, which meant that occasionally they tried things that were not only ineffective, but actually set me back for a few days. Julia was completely different – attentive to my particular problems, really communicative (which included being a great listener to my whingeing), friendly and, most importantly, really effective. It was only when I started seeing her that I began to see improvements with my sciatica. I cannot recommend her highly enough!

/24th February 2024

Stephen S (Preston)

Julia recently advertised on FB broadgate community page. Been experiencing problems with my legs/ calf muscles, so as very local to me thought I would get checked out.
First thing that struck me was the friendly and homely lay out of the clinic.
None of this plastic appearance and no atmosphere. Talked through my problems and my recent issues with my legs and calves. After examination, Julia gave some practical solutions to avoid future problems. I would recommend this practice to anyone, go and try this valuable service.

/6th May 2016

Kay B (Prestbury)

“I have been visiting Julia ever since a bad car accident to help with mobility in my back. The treatment has worked wonderfully and now I am able to live life as normal.”

/21st April 2016

Giles S (Wilmslow)

“I suffer from a stiff lumbar section of my spine owing to the fact I grew up  on a farm and played far too much rugby! I also have a largely sedentary lifestyle and spend a lot of time at the desk or in the car. I regularly see Julia who manipulates my spine to ensure flexibility and to relax the acute  condition. A while ago the condition was quite painful but now I am pain free, in the main. I would have no hesitation in recommending Julia to anyone, and have done so over the years.”


Ian W (Wilmslow)

“I first went to Julia with back pain which gave me migraines. I’m now in a much better place and that is in large part thanks to Julia. She is a first rate professional who blends her different areas of expertise to provide a very personalised service. She is part of a network which allows her provide additional trusted services. She is also a really nice person, not essential but it helps!”

/13th July 2015

Eduardo P (Wilmslow)

“Julia has helped me greatly with deep-set neck tension. After having tried many therapies over several years, she was the first person who managed to diagnose the root cause of the problem.”